Friday, March 14, 2014

Maftir:  Deuteronomy 25:17-19
Haftarah:  I Samuel 15:1-34
                The campaign against the nation of Amalek leaves a strange taste in the mouths of some modern readers of this Haftarah.  The Malbim, however, indicates five points contained in the commandment of “Remember” demonstrating why the Amalekites were worthy of such extraordinary retribution.  “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you left Egypt; how he encountered you on the road, attacking you from behind, all those who were feeble, when you were tired and weak; and he did not fear Gd. “
                The Amalekites violated five different standards of military action.
                They attacked us “on the way.” The Amalekites could not have been attempting to capture territory from us, as they came upon our ancestors as they were traveling through wilderness.
              “…as you left Egypt.”  This was not a pre-emptive strike on an army massing for an invasion, but the slaughter of slaves escaping from bondage.
                “…He encountered you on the road.”  The Amalekites were not seeking us out for retribution for some grievance; this was a random encounter.
                “They attacked you from behind, all those who were feeble, when you were tired and weak.”  A conqueror, or a ruler seeking to increase his prestige, does not waste time mowing down unarmed civilians.
                “And he did not fear Gd.”  The Amalekites did not believe they were acting for some higher purpose.

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